Showing posts with label Ganapriya. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Ganapriya. Show all posts

Friday, 31 July 2015

God loves music - The Nada Brahmam story

When stars descend...

The Radiosai studio at Prasanthi Nilayam, Puttaparthi was abuzz with excitement and activity though it was Sunday, a weekly holiday. The Prasanthi Bhajan Group had gathered there for a special audio recording. The brightest stars from the galaxy of singers at Puttaparthi had descended to the studio for this venture. Each stalwart singer present had his own beautiful story of singing for Swami and the collective experience of the group is worth several books! Take for instance the story of Ravikumar and his Sai Bin Raha Na Jaaye or the love-filled tale of the Meera-boy Koustubh Pare; or there is the test of love of Sai Krishna or the sweet stories of Ashwath Narayan. This is just a sample!

The new and young members of the group were excited to just see these ‘stars’ in action. They knew that rubbing shoulders with these senior members would only enhance their own musical skills and experience. But it was not just the ‘music people’ who had gathered. Music lovers who had been given the chance to be present for the recording had turned up too. It is not daily that one gets to witness a recording of this kind.

But wait! What was it that was being recorded? The straight answer would be - Nada Brahmam.
All had assembled at the Radiosai audio studio for the recording of Nada Brahmam.

What is Nada Brahmam?

Radiosai had been spreading Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba’s love in the digital dimension for almost a decade now. In an effort to bring high-quality, audio-visual media into the home of the devotees, it started its products wing - Sai Blossom. One of the first audio products by Sai Blossom had been ‘Prasanthi Mandir Bhajans’, a recording of bhajans being sung in the direct presence of the Avatar of the Age. Though the audio CD had been received very well, the problems of making use of live-recorded bhajans began to show through. The audio levels of various instruments would not be evenly balanced across bhajans which would be recorded across several months. There were also some mistakes made by the singers or instrumentalists which could not be corrected.

That was when Radiosai decided to come up with special, high quality, studio-recorded bhajans in a new series. In the quest for the best possible quality, track recording was introduced. Each singer would be made to sing separately and each instrumentalist would play his piece on a metronome. Days would pass in taking different inputs from the chorus singers, the instrumentalists and the lead singers. Any mistake could be corrected. Thus was born the technically-perfect and musically-rich series called  ‘Bhavanjali’ (an offering of feelings). But even that was found lacking!

The ‘live-feel’ was missing. It was felt that though the melody and rhythm was perfect in Bhavanjali, the ‘feeling’ that is aroused in the heart of the singer and the instrumentalists during an actual bhajan session was missing because of the track-recording employed. What was needed was the perfection of studio recording, coupled with the feeling of an actual bhajan session. It was Prof.G.Venkatraman, the director at Radiosai, who came up with the brilliant idea of a new series - Nada Brahmam.

“Record in the studio but ensure that the bhajan session is conducted as a bhajan session and not like a movie-song recording”, he said.

Wednesday, 22 October 2014

An addiction called God - experiences of Navaneeth Kumar_ Part 2

Pleasure is an interval between pains (and vice versa)

The February of 2008 began in quite an eventful and wonderful fashion for Navaneeth. It seemed as though God had arranged a bumper bonanza for him. Everyday, Navaneeth would speak at length with his two ‘friends’ at the shed, trying to convince them to come into the bhajan hall for morning bhajans. He told them that seeing Swami during bhajans was an altogether different experience. However, inertia prevented his friends from rushing for bhajan hall seats after morning darshan.

On the 5th of February, Navaneeth had the blessed opportunity to take padanamaskar as Swami moved through the hall during bhajans. With great joy and enthusiasm, he described the joy that coursed through him to his shed-mates. (One of the friends was an outpatient at the SSSIHMS and the other was in Parthi for a fortnight of seva  and sadhana.) The next day, the same story repeated and the day after that too, it happened again. Now, the two friends were spurred into giving up breakfast to go into the bhajan hall for the bhajans. Thus, Navaneeth again proved to be a true friend, guiding people ‘closer’ to God. Swami seemed to be rewarding him for that as for the fourth day in a row, Navaneeth enjoyed a padanamaskar. He was in seventh heaven (or any other higher heaven that exists).

Bhagawan Baba often stresses that pleasure is an interval between pains. When one enjoys a pleasure, one can be sure that some pain lies ahead and when one is in pain, one can be sure that brighter days lie ahead. No one is exempt from this - even the one who is seeking God. It appears as though the world is designed this way to help man develop equanimity and the thirst to seek a way out of this endless cycle. When the seeking is done intensely, like Siddartha did, one indeed finds a way out of this endless cycle, like the Buddha did.

{This is actually the second part of a very interesting story. In case you have come here directly, you are advised to read the first part and then continue. The 1st part is located at the link below:

As Navaneeth was discussing his ascent to the seventh heaven, one of his friends asked, pointing to his face,
“What is this boil?”
Navaneeth tenderly touched a boil on his face.
“There is one more here...”
“... and another here...”
“This is definitely chickenpox...”
He was taken to the General Hospital and the doctor there gave him the requisite medicines and a topical gel for regular application. Navaneeth called and told his mother about his affliction and she wanted him to return home immediately. Navaneeth shared his two fears with her:
  1. There was the risk of him infecting others during his journey.
  2. There was the risk of his father getting to know that he was no longer attending nursing college.
Navaneeth reassured his mother that he would be well taken care of because he was with Swami. The mother was not fully satisfied but she reminded herself to have faith.

Tuesday, 1 July 2014

Playing the harmonium for Sai's bhajans - student S.V.Satheesh's experiences_ PART 2

When the Divine Mother opens doors...

It was with a heart full of fear of losing something very valuable that Satheesh landed in Brindavan after completing his M.Tech exams. In the meanwhile, Swami had initiated the exercise of preparation for the annual Convocation drama, guiding a few select teachers and students.

That year, Swami had insisted on having the Burrakatha as part of the drama. (Since then, Burrakatha has flourished as another art form among the students. In fact, for a few students, Burrakatha has been the experience of their lives!) So, apart from the main cast for the drama, three singers too had been chosen. These actors and singers would be called into Trayee Brindavan, Bhagawan’s residence in Brindavan, daily for practise sessions. Though the Burrakatha had three main singers, it required a host of others to act as the supporting-music team. And Satheesh was part of that team.

(If you have come straight to this article, it is highly recommended that you read the first part of this story before proceeding ahead. the first part is located at the below link:

“One evening, after the actors were called inside Trayee, we were waiting and praying outside. After sometime the singers were called in. I was waiting near the trees. As I was looking at Trayee, I remembered Swami's words to a Sri Atal Behari Vajpayee in Trayee,
"This is your home, your Mother's home; you can come here anytime.”
Tears filled my eyes as I realised that after a few months I may not even be able to step into these hallowed Trayee grounds once I pass out of Swami's college. Would these be my last few days? Would I never get a chance to enter my Divine Mother's home again? Within moments, I was fighting to hold back my tears.”

“Knock and it shall be opened unto you” is a popular biblical verse. It appears that it is best to ‘knock’ through tears of love and pining because even as Satheesh was battling his tears, the twin doors of Trayee Brindavan were throw open. The teacher who walked out beckoned to Satheesh and Sharath, a student of grade XII who played the tambourine, to enter. Swami, who till date, heard the Burrakatha songs with just the pocket-keyboard accompaniment of Sailesh sir (the music group in charge), had today asked for the harmonium and tambourine accompaniments! Ah what divine mercy! Satheesh rushed in along with Sharath. Both were right in realizing that it was just Swami’s grace that was getting them this opportunity. But they had not imagined the extent of that grace.

Tuesday, 27 May 2014

Hadshi Mumbai diaries - Part 10 - When God showed that music moves His heart

Bankers insure with the Divine

The first day of November 2009 dawned bright and sunny in Mumbai. After the privilege of sleeping just outside Swami's room for three successive days in Hadshi, I spent a night in the hostel at Dharmakshetra. Most of the music boys had been up late in the night practicing for the concert that was supposed to be held later in the day. In spite of that, all of them had risen pretty early and seemed geared up for the big moment. By 9:00 a.m. we had finished our breakfast and were waiting for Swami.

The Chief Minister, Sri Ashok Chavan addresses the gathering.
Meanwhile the hall at Satyadeep had become full with eminent men from the world of finance which included bankers and heads of national and multinational financial institutions. Also present was Mr. Ashok Chavan, the Chief Minister of Maharashtra as well as the Leader of Opposition, Mr. Gopinath Munde.

Even as these dignitaries were awaiting His arrival, on the request of Mr. Keki Mistry, an orthodontist and a longtime devotee of Bhagavan, many of them started sharing their thoughts and feelings about Swami. First was the Chief Minister who was followed by Mr. Gopinath Munde. The latter in his brief talk mentioned that though, as the Leader of the Opposition, he often disagreed with the Chief Minister, on that day he wholeheartedly concurred with Mr. Chavan’s views because it was all about Swami and His love. We have often heard words of praise about the love of God. But what I witnessed right now was akin to a dog and cat embracing each other!

(Dear reader,

If you have come directly to this post, I would like to egg you on to enjoy the full story with its history. Link to part 1 is given below and the link to the next part will be at the end of each previous part. Thank you.

The previous part which is Part 9 is located at the link given below in case you missed that.

Hadshi Mumbai diaries - Part 9 - Goodbye Hadshi, Hello Mumbai

Part 10 continues below)

Soon others joined and many corporate heads who were part of the Conference on Ethics in the World of Finance held a couple of months earlier (in August 28-29, 2009 to be precise) in Puttaparthi started recounting their experiences. This session of heartfelt outpourings, which had really turned into a satsang of CEOs, continued for more than an hour. Still Bhagavan had not arrived. So the Sai Youth and students started bhajans. And no sooner did this begin, there were signs of His coming! It reminded me how the Lord is Gaanapriya (Lover of Music). As He has said, He installs Himself wherever His Glory is sung. Was that a coincidence? I didn't think so.

Swami's arrival finally occurred when the bhajans started - Music invariably pulls the Lord!
By 10:20 a.m., Swami was seated right in front of the small group of students who were singing. Two bhajans later Swami began to move amidst the congregation and now all these financial honchos, completely unmindful of their positions and statuses, seemed to simply dive at His feet at every available opportunity. All chairs, therefore, were discarded and almost every one of them was ‘floored’ by His love. As far as I could see, there was nothing "financial" going on here. Many sought guidance for their personal problems while others just wanted one private moment with Him. No one is an exception where the need for the Divine is concerned and Swami showers His Love on one and all in boundless measure! He says ‘If you need Me, you deserve Me’ and He graciously blessed all of them showering smiles and collecting letters all the while. In the end all the business bigwigs gathered around Swami like children and posed for a group photo.

Whether one is a banker, a head honcho, a CEO or a Chief Minister, at the feet of the Lord, all are His Children!
After all were satisfied, Swami moved through the circular corridor to arrive out from the other entrance of Satyadeep. Here too, there were many devotees on chairs who immediately prostrated at His feet. Swami blessed all of them before entering the car to drive to Gandhi Maidan at Worli.

Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba's Last Divine Discourse - 22nd November 2010

The Setting For The 29th Convocation of SSSIHL. The 29th Convocation of the Sri Sathya Sai Institute of Higher Learning was scheduled for 22...