Showing posts with label Latur. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Latur. Show all posts

Friday, 25 April 2014

Hadshi Mumbai diaries - Part 2 - First flight with God

Swami's 2001 visit to Latur and Chakur

There were experiences galore as the construction of the Mandir progressed in right earnest in Latur. It was a daunting task no doubt, but the Jadhavs felt the comforting Divine presence throughout the period in so many ways. For instance, the holy ash, Vibhuti manifested copiously from a photograph of Shirdi Sai Baba. And on another occasion, they saw Swami’s face replace that of Lord Vitthala in a large picture! The miracle happened in plain sight for all to see.

A full-sized capture of Swami near
the residence of Sri.S.B.Chavan at Nanded.

Photo Credit: S.Balasubramanya
It was in 1999 that the Jadhavs returned to Puttaparthi to inform Swami that everything would be ready in twelve months’ time. At that time, Swami said, "Not one but two years." Perhaps, Swami had heard it wrong, they thought, and so Mr. Uttamrao Jadhav repeated,
"Swami, it will take only one more year."
"No! It will take two years," Swami clarified again.

(This is part 2 of the serial. Ensure that you have complete joy by reading from the beginning. The first part is given below:

Hadshi Mumbai diaries - Part 1 - The blessing materializes )

The Jadhavs had no doubt that the temple would not get ready before 2001. In perfect accordance with the Divine words, everything was ready and set in the year 2001. The historic visit to Latur and Chakur finally did materialize. Swami fulfilled the promise of sitting in the golden chariot that had been created especially for Him. The experiences and details of that Divine trip is part of the folklore in the Marathawada region and it needs to be documented as another separate book, but for the record, here is a brief account. I shall switch from my detailed ‘running commentary’ to a quick ‘galloping commentary’ before returning to the Hadshi trip.

July 15, 2001 was the glorious day when Swami left for Latur by a special plane which took off from the Sri Sathya Sai Airport at Puttaparthi at about 7.30 a.m. The journey was made in an hour. The then Chief Minister of Maharashtra, Mr. Vilasrao Deshmukh and his Cabinet colleagues, former Home Minister of India, Mr. S. B. Chavan, the Lok Sabha Speaker, Mr. Shivraj Patil and other dignitaries welcomed Baba on His arrival at Latur airbase at 8.35 a.m. When the motorcade proceeded towards the town, masses of people in their traditional costumes lined the entire route to offer Bhagavan their respectful salutations. The road was decorated with beautiful arches and welcome gates depicting Baba's teachings in Marathi and English.

At Latur, Swami addressed a congregation of intellectuals at the residence of the local M.L.A, Mr. Diliprao Deshmukh. Bhagavan also gave darshan to devotees at the residences of Mr. Vilasrao Deshmukh, Mr. Shivraj Patil and Mr. Uttamrao Jadhav.

On the following day, Swami went to “Sai Nandanavanam”, a temple built for Him in Chakur. At the entrance of this edifice, Baba ascended the magnificent golden chariot and traveled a distance of 1.5 kms. Mammoth crowds of devotees hailed Bhagawan with full throated shouts of `Sai Ki Jai, Jai Jai Sai'. The entire area was vibrant with colourful banners, flowers, buntings, lanterns, garlands, flags and huge gates; everywhere there were impressive displays of His sayings and teachings in local languages as well as in English.

Bhagawan charging and lending life to the Shiva Linga at the main temple in Latur. The two Jadhav brothersare also seen. The elder Uttamrao, has a towel on his left hand while the younger, Shivajirao is applauding. Photo Credit: S.Balasubramanya

At the Shivalaya (temple dedicated to Lord Shiva), Swami was given a traditional welcome with the Poorna­kumbham. Bhagawan lit the sacred lamp, then placed His hand on the Shivalinga surcharging it with Divine energy. He consecrated the other idols in the Prayer Hall as well as those in the surrounding nine temples. At two in the afternoon, after a few public speeches by elders, Swami blessed the crowd with a Divine Discourse.

Swami addressing a huge gathering in Chakur. There were two translators for the discourse that day - Prof. Anil Kumar for English and Sri Shivaraj Patil for Marathi. Photo Credit: S.Balasubramanya
The next day, Swami proceeded by road to Nanded. This city presented a multi-hued look as lively decorations beautified every corner. Baba arrived at the residence of Mr. S. B. Chavan and showered the bliss of His darshan on the devotees gathered there. In fact, this visit of Baba was the fulfillment of a promise He had given to Mr. Shankar Rao Chavan, the father of S.B. Chavan, about 25 years ago! Swami had told him that He would visit his house when He came to the state for the inauguration of a temple.

At 12.55 p.m., Bhagavan came to Sri Guru Gobind Singhji Stadium to bless the devotees gathered there with His darshan. All of a sudden, Swami advanced the timings for the programme. His enchanting discourse concluded early in the evening itself. He seemed to be in a great hurry and everyone was wondering why. Soon, everything became clear as the hitherto blue sky was covered with thick rain-bearing clouds! Nanded had not yet received its share of rains for the year and everyone seemed to be praying for it. No sooner had Bhagavan completed the discourse and His aircraft left the skies of that city, there was a heavy downpour. It was as if Bhagavan willed to answer the sincere pleas of the devotees instantaneously! It was undoubtedly a memorable trip for anyone who was a witness or a part of it.

Everyone was filled with beautiful memories of their Lord who showered immense grace on one and all in
the Marathwada region
Photo Credit: S.Balasubramanya
The D Day arrives

This being the history of the Jadhav brothers with Swami and of Swami with the Marathwada region in Maharashtra, I was so excited about the divine odyssey to Hadshi, the second ‘pilgrimage spot’ created by the Jadhav brothers. A confirmation list would be announced, we were told, and so, I eagerly waited everyday for that call which would say “Yes, you are in!"

The mind is so funny. My heart asked me in an absolutely confounded tone,
“Swami called you into the interview room and asked for your name to be written. What further confirmation do you seek?”
But the mind kept grumbling, “You never know how things can change with Swami. You are meant to love His uncertainties! So you better be prepared for everything!” And I, though mostly on the side of the heart, cannot say with authority that I wasn't troubled by the mind!

It was on the 26th of October that we were all called to the University’s Administrative Block and the good, nay the best news was communicated. Ah! My joy knew no bounds that day, and I began preparations in full gusto for the D-date, October 28, 2009.

Finally the day dawned – the culmination of many a sleepless night when butterflies romped freely in my stomach. By 6:15 a.m., we had all assembled in the hostel for Senior Students feasting on a breakfast specially arranged for us. At 7 a.m., we were in the airport completing all the formalities of the check-in. A Jet Airways Boeing 737 was to ferry us along with our Beloved Lord to Pune. Soon, we entered the aircraft and took our allotted seats. Within ten minutes, news arrived that Swami was on His way.

It was at this point I realized that the memory chip of my cell phone was not in the phone where it is meant to be! Perhaps it had fallen off when I had accidentally dropped my cell phone on the tarmac. Frantically I rushed out of the plane with Ravi Bhaiya. Imagine my delight when, within a minute of searching, I found the tiny card on that huge road!

Swami arrives to enter the flight via the vestibule life. 
How I had become aware of the missing chip is an interesting episode in itself. Sitting in the flight, I had noticed that on the display of my mobile, there was some other image instead of the usual photo of Swami. I tried to restore that picture on the screen as the wallpaper but was unable to do it as I could not find the photo. I wondered where the photo which I had stored gone? That was when I realized that the folder where I kept the picture was missing which made it evident to me that the memory chip had gone.

Well, that I understood, is the advantage of keeping God as your “screen saver” in life too - you become aware of your problems which can then get sorted automatically!

Dream flight

Swami arrived and boarded the aircraft through a huge vestibule lift. I was right in the front with Sai Prakash (whom everyone fondly calls CG) who was shooting the video while I was taking pictures. I actually moved close to the window of Swami’s seat in the Executive class section of the aircraft. After brother Satyajit had Swami seated, I moved out to the aisle ensuring that my leg does not touch Swami. Swami seemed to be in very good spirits and He was definitely excited about the trip like a child. This was a side of Swami that I was privileged to see – a facet so human and intimate! The members of cabin crew now began to take padanamaskar, one after another, and I went to a prime position to take their photos. Finally, when everyone had got their opportunity, I asked Swami whether I could take a picture of Him. Considering the absence of resistance as permission, I went ahead and clicked twice. Oh! How lovely He looked!

A sweet and lovely smile which He gifted just before take-off. He is buckled and all
set for the flight! The elder Jadhav brother is in the seat right behind Swami.
The flight was ready for takeoff and I quickly returned to my seat. Now the safety precautions to be observed on the flight were being demonstrated. It was an interesting sight to see the usually unemotional face of the steward become tense as if in awe at the Presence in which he was standing and making his presentation. He did his duty sincerely. The announcement was,
“In case of a drop in cabin pressure, masks will descend. Please put them on first before helping others…”
“When the provider of air to the lungs of all beings is amidst us, why should one fear about the ‘fall’ in air pressure”, I thought with a smile to myself.
“In case of an emergency landing on water, the seat below will act as a flotation device...”
“Ah! Don’t you know that Swami is a specialist at saving people flailing and struggling in this Bhavasagara, the ocean of life”, I almost spoke aloud!
It is such a different feeling boarding an aircraft knowing that Swami is with you.

The words have been taken from Swami's letter to Charles Penn.
As we taxied down the runway, we saw hundreds of people wave to us from the road. Not actually “us” but to Swami! But just like the monkeys in the painting alongside Lord Sri Rama in the Coronation scene also get a part of the adoration due to the Lord, we too received the devotees’ loving gaze. Moving slowly to the eastern end of the runway, the aircraft turned around. Facing the west now, the flight thundered down the runway and, soon we were airborne! Up in the skies with Swami! The very thought excited me. I have travelled many a times by flight, but never had I been so thrilled.

Hundreds and thousands of people lined the airport fence in the hope of catching a glimpse of Swami in the front window of the aircraft.
It was past 8:40 a.m. and soon we were cruising comfortably towards Pune. The refreshments arrived presently, but all the while, my concentration was at the front end of the aircraft where the Goal of my life was seated. He was being ‘entertained’ by small talk from the All India President (AIP) of the Sathya Sai Seva Organisations, Sri V. Srinivasan and Mr. Balaram, a long-standing devotee. Unable to hold back any longer, I went ahead and took a few pictures from behind Swami.

Imagine being in a flight where the front seat has been occupied by the goal of your life!
Returning to my place, I saw that the breakfast had been served. As I munched on my food, I noticed that the members of the cabin crew were making the best possible use of their flight time to get photographs with Swami, taking pictures with cell phone cameras!

I felt it would be better to capture these invaluable moments on a professional camera. Calling CG, I went ahead and got into the seat beside Mr. Ratnakar and started clicking pictures.

All the crew members took turns to speak to and interact with Swami - a great chance for them all!
Meanwhile, GV Sir (that is the popular name for Prof. G. Venkataraman, an eminent scientist and currently the Director of the Radio Sai studios) got up and moved to the front. He told the AIP and the people in the seats behind to shut the windows (and I am sure mentally told himself, “There! I have taken care of the problem of backlight.”) and took a picture. Sensing the opportune moment and also utilizing the better photographic settings created by the meticulous professor, I too moved forward and took photos of Swami with the entire cabin. It was another nice frame (that picture is shown above with Swami's quote that He wrote in a letter to Charles Penn.)

When Swami saw CG shooting, He asked as to why there was no flash. That was so sweet I felt. CG replied that it was a video camera. Swami nodded and smiled. After this, we returned to our seats.

Sai Prakash (CG) explains to Swami that since it is a video camera that he is operating, it has no 'flash'.

A small detour here.

Many times Swami asks these ‘common-knowledge questions’. That is to give an opportunity for us to answer. I remember, on one occasion, Swami asked a student,
“What is your name?”
“Swami, you know.”
Where do you come from?”
“Swami knows everything...”
“What are you studying?”
“Swami, you know everything.”
“You prayed that I should speak to you. I am answering your prayer.”
Swami walked away gently.
If information-seeking was the only reason why Swami asked questions, then thousands would have lost an opportunity to speak to Him! It is indeed sweet on His part to ask questions and create opportunities for interaction.

Even as everyone was finishing their breakfasts, it was announced that we should be ready for landing.

to be continued in Part 3 at the link below.

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(If you enjoyed this and wish to subscribe to this blog, please go to the right hand side and choose the last 'box' which says subscribe. Also explore the 60-odd 'previous articles' listed month-wise on the top right here. Another blog which I maintain with more than 230 articles on it is at If you wish to be added to my mailing list, please email me via this page with the subject "ADD ME TO MAILING LIST".)

Tuesday, 22 April 2014

Hadshi Mumbai diaries - Part 1 - The blessing materializes

A pleasant bolt from the blue

Sometimes, certain events occur in life that infuse a whiff of fresh direction and new beginnings; that restore and invigorate you in ways you would have never imagined possible. They are like splendid waterfalls in the path of a river as it flows towards its ultimate source - the ocean. They are encountered rather unexpectedly, and what unfolds as a result is something most memorable and spectacular. When the placid stream is suddenly awakened from its leisurely flow into a grand burst of intense activity, it realizes it’s potential. The most interesting thing however is that all this happens so naturally - the bounding brook puts in no extra effort; it just 'goes with the flow'.

The sudden burst of grand activity adds excitement and beauty to the leisurely flow of a river

My trip to Hadshi and Mumbai with Swami in the winter of 2009 was a similar one; it not only came as the mighty waterfall in the flow of my life but stood out as a momentous watershed for I was blessed with the privilege of witnessing, first-hand and for the first time in my life, Divinity in action from close quarters.

As far as I am concerned, the dream journey began as a dream! I 'received' this dream in the wee morning hours of October 13, 2009. The dream went thus. 

Swami had sent for me and I saw myself seated in the Sai Kulwant Hall about to go into the Poornachandra Auditorium. But I was also aware that only singers were supposed to be there. So I picked up a book on music, largely filled with swaras (musical notations), and headed for the auditorium. When I entered, I saw many proficient vocalists (students), all familiar to me, seated there. I went past Swami's chair and took my seat. When Bhagavan questioned me about my delay in arriving, I said, 
"Swami, I did not expect to be a part of this group! Hence I am late!" 
And then I woke up.

I was happy I had His darshan first thing in the morning. Beyond this, there was nothing more that I could decipher from that welcome dream. Two days later, everything became clear. The entry in my personal diary reveals the physical manifestation of the dream - another proof for me that the dreams of Swami are always true.

October 15, 2009

What shall I write about today! It was the most exceptional day when I think about my physical proximity with Swami. I had taken another lovely step in my journey towards Him. It was in the evening that the dream I had two days ago seemed to find fruition and it all happened after Swami completed His darshan rounds and called Mr. Jadhav and Mr. Ramesh Sawant (State President of SSSO, Maharashtra & Goa) for an interview. At this point in time, I was sure that it was going to be a long interview after which Swami would go into the bhajan hall to receive Aarthi before retiring. My love for badminton made me think,
"Should I just leave for my evening games? I don't think anything much will happen today..."

I could not have been more wrong. And it was destiny that told me through my heart,
"It is better to wait for the Lord over physical exercise and mental entertainment."
So I sat and waited.

Swami came out after a while and asked for Dr.Naren Ramji (the Registrar of Swami’s University). He then asked the boys whom He had earlier selected for the Pune trip to go inside the interview room. As He sat on the stage, He seemed to be scanning and searching through the faces in front of Him. In a few minutes, He looked at Neeraj and indicated to him to join the group in the interview room.

What happened next stunned me. His eyes met mine and He beckoned me to go inside as well! Was this really happening? The students seated behind me with "birthday trays" got up thinking He was calling them. I was certain that He had indicated to me and so wanted to quickly move up the stage. However, the birthday boys moved faster. I waited for the birthday boys to get their share of blessings and also for a second confirmatory indication. It came soon, as Swami signaled again and I rushed towards the interview room via the dais. Even as I did so, I turned to judge His reaction as I was still a bit unsure and thought – in case I am not the chosen one, Swami could still send me back! But the kind Lord just looked at me lovingly. Now I confidently walked on and took my position in the portico.

I was excited and thrilled. Indeed, even now, it was so unbelievable for me. That when Jagadish Kanadia came along. On many occasions, I had seen Swami send messages to devotees and students through this lad. I thought he had come to tell me that it had been my mistake to think that I was part of this 'privileged' group! With trepidation in my heart, I prepared myself for the disappointment. But he simply said ‘Sairam’ and sat next to me. A great relief swept over me as I realized that he had come to the portico for the same reason I had come - because Swami had picked him for the trip. Soon, Swami came and asked all of us to go to the interview room. I rushed ahead to take a place near His feet.

Sitting there, I just began to think of how alert and 'pure' I become when I am in Swami's presence. Though it was a passing thought it stayed with me as I realized that if I lead every moment of my life conscious of His presence, my thoughts, words and deeds would be so holy and uplifting - for me as well as for everyone else! Right, don't you think so?

Memories of  Swami's previous trip to the Marathwada region, to Latur and Chakur, were present in my mind
since my father had got the privilege of taking photographs during that visit. 
Once inside, Swami told Naren sir to take down the names. Swami personally asked every one present his name before telling Naren sir to note down - all except me. Again panic struck me and I think it was visible to many in the interview room. In fact, Ashwath prodded me to tell Him my name on my own. I did not want to! Why remind Him that I was there and assure Him that it was not too late to take corrective action in case a mistake had been made by calling me in! Really, I still found it difficult to accept that something so grand as this was being bestowed upon me. Later, as He was looking at all of us, He noticed me and asked if my name had been written. I looked at Naren sir and he nodded.
‘Ah, this was confirmation enough!’ I felt.

After this, Swami told us about the trip. 
"Everything has been well arranged,” He said. “There are rooms for all and the rooms have fans and A/C too; you can use either of them. We will go directly to Pune in flight. All of you must be well behaved. Be strict in your discipline." Swami enquired about the singers, harmonium players and tabla players as well. 
“Too many percussionists are not needed,” He said, adding that three were sufficient. A few musicians however, were added to the list. I was thinking that I would extensively do photography during the trip. So, I felt, it would be great to have a videographer along to ensure complete and comprehensive coverage. When I was sure that Swami was not looking at me, I whispered to Naren sir who was next to me,
"Sir, can we have a person to do video coverage."
"Ask Him; not me", he whispered back. 

I then ventured courageously, 
"Swami, if there is a video cameraman, it would be nice." 
Swami asked,"Won't you be doing that?"
"Swami, I will take photos."
"Who is there then?"
"Swami, Sai Prakash."
"Does he do a good job with the camera?"
"Yes Swami, he takes videos very well."
"Does he have a camera?"
"Yes, he has, Swami."
"And what about films (tapes)?"
"He has them in sufficient number too."
Swami smiled and then told Naren sir to add his name.

As the session went on, more names were added especially of boys skilled in various musical instruments. This made me happy.
Bhagavan then enquired about speakers. I quickly raised my hand. Swami asked, "Will you speak?" 
I said yes and He also seemed to agree. Then He asked Sudhindran as well, to which he replied that he would definitely speak if Swami so willed.Ah! That was a much better answer than mine, I felt. How I wished I too could have said the same. Let me remember always that whatever I do, it is because of Swami's love and grace.

All this while, I had the opportunity to press and massage His feet. During this period He did look deeply into my eyes a couple of times. For the first time in my life, I understood how special God can make you feel in just a moment. It was as if Swami had come to earth only for my sake I was only smiling in bliss. Then Swami noticed the clock. I too did the same.
“How quickly time flies with Swami!” I thought. 
In the meanwhile, Ashwath asked Swami about the songs to be prepared to which He said that they should be in multiple languages so that all devotees find something to enjoy. The interview was now coming to an end. As we filed out of the room, I took padanamaskar. Taking the chance to go closer to Him, I said, "Swami ee avakasam ichcharu... Chaala krutagnatalu (Swami, we are so grateful for this opportunity You have blessed us with).” He nodded. I was swimming in joy.

The resolve of two brothers

Until that moment, though I knew about Bhagavan’s impending trip to Pune, I had never really taken the effort to learn more about the place. But now that I was flying with the Lord to Hadshi, I began to glean vital information, and in the process, learnt some amazing stories of grace from the Jadhav brothers – Shivajirao and Uttamrao. 
"It is a must that we know something about the place before embarking on this historic trip," I thought.

It was in the early nineties that the Jadhav brothers heard about an Avatar who had made Puttaparthi His birthplace. Hailing from the faraway Marathwada region in Maharashtra, they could not come immediately for the Avatar’s darshan. However, in 1993, both the brothers visited Baba’s ashram in Whitefield, Bangalore. They were at once impressed by the devotion and discipline that seemed to fill the air of that Holy Site, and wondered why the shrines at Pandharpur and other pilgrimage places in Maharashtra too could not be maintained that way! That very instant, they made a resolve: We will take this Swami with us to our region in Maharashtra.

This was something bizarre! I had heard of people responding in different, unique ways, when they saw Swami for the first time. But in this case, merely being in the ashram had done wonders; these brothers had instantly decided to take Swami to their state!

The story of how Swami's first trip to the Marathawada region materialized and how He showered
His grace on the people there is a separate story in itself. 
The Jadhav brothers were, in a sense, not new to Swami as they had been devoted to Sai Baba of Shirdi for very long; so much so that the family felt restless if they did not make an annual pilgrimage to Shirdi. On innumerable occasions, they witnessed inexplicable instances of His benediction. For example, once a family member fell extremely ill when the scheduled time of departure for the pilgrimage arrived. Nevertheless, they set out on their holy journey, and by the time they returned, the malady had completely disappeared.

Was that not cruel of God to smite them thus, just to test their faith and secure their pilgrimage? "No!" was the vehement answer. "He knows that it is good for us and those are just reminders when we forget Him. Life has been wonderful for us due to His grace," said the Jadhavs.
Going back to their trip to Whitefield, the Jadhav brothers had in their party Mr. Naidu, an acquaintance who was a senior Sai devotee. And from him they learnt that earlier Swami had indeed made several trips to various shrines and cities of India. However,  the chances of Him coming to a remote village in Maharashtra (hundreds of miles away from Puttaparthi), were remote! Notwithstanding this, their resolve to take Swami home was only further strengthened after they had their first darshan of Him.

Pictures which show the devastation wreaked by the
earthquake at Latur. Those days, digital photography had
not yet made its advent and therefore very few images
exist even on the internet. 
Upon their return, news floated of Swami’s impending arrival to Maharashtra. Swami had expressed His solidarity for the people of Latur, the home-town of Jadhavs, which had been struck by an earthquake of magnitude 6.3 on the Richter scale. The catastrophe at Latur had rendered 7600 people dead and more than 16000 injured!

"The earthquake has brought fear into the people. I need to come there,” Bhagavan told Mr. Shivraj Patil, who was then a Member of the Lok Sabha and its Speaker as well. 

The Jadhavs’ coming into contact with Mr. Patil was the mysterious working of Swami’s will. Working hand in hand with this long-standing and esteemed devotee, the Jadhavs prepared for Swami's visit. The best part was Bhagavan Himself took an active interest in the Mandir (temple) that began to blossom at Latur and even promised to personally inaugurate it.

A couple of years went by. On one occasion when Swami was at Kodaikanal, the temple drawings were shown to Him, and He seemed very pleased. All of a sudden, one day, Swami unveiled the plans of the Mandir to His students and said,
"This Temple is coming up in Latur. I will go for its inauguration." That was the first time He had openly declared His promise. Then He asked Mr. Patil who was seated by His side, 
"What is the temple's seating capacity?" 
Not knowing the exact figure, he hesitatingly said, 
“5000 people, Swami”. 

That turned out to be an overestimate! The ever-sincere Jadhavs, however, took this seriously and erected a multi-storeyed Mandir which would indeed be able to accommodate such massive numbers!

Now, Mr. Uttamrao Jadhav also nursed another secret desire – he wished to make a replica of Bhagavan in bronze, and also design and build a chariot for Swami’s use whenever He visited the state. Privately, he had his apprehensions. Firstly, it is considered inappropriate to make a bronze statue of a living personage, and secondly, Swami may not want to move around in a chariot!

A few days later, when Mr. Shivraj Patil was with Swami in the interview room, Bhagavan mentioned to him about Uttamrao Jadhav's nervous disquiet and said, 
"I will give him peace. He is outside. Go and tell him that he can make my idol, and that I will sit in the vehicle that he wishes to construct."

The procession stretched for kilometers. The helicopter seen in the frame is the one used by the Chief Minister. Swami arrived to Latur by car. 
As per the wishes of the elder Jadhav brother, Swami blessed the chariot in which He was taken to the temple. 
Ah! Is there anything called secret or anxiety where the Lord is concerned? Then what to say of secret anxieties! Mr. Patil was totally oblivious of this and he too simply marveled at the Lord’s omniscience as he conveyed this message to Mr. Uttamrao.

to be continued in Part 2 at the link below:

Hadshi Mumbai diaries - Part 2 - First Flight with God

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(If you enjoyed this and wish to subscribe to this blog, please go to the right hand side and choose the last 'box' which says subscribe. Also explore the 60-odd 'previous articles' listed month-wise on the top right here. Another blog which I maintain with more than 230 articles on it is at If you wish to be added to my mailing list, please email me via this page with the subject "ADD ME TO MAILING LIST".)

Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba's Last Divine Discourse - 22nd November 2010

The Setting For The 29th Convocation of SSSIHL. The 29th Convocation of the Sri Sathya Sai Institute of Higher Learning was scheduled for 22...