Showing posts with label Mantra. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Mantra. Show all posts

Monday, 24 August 2015

A recruit in God's army - the 1965 Upanayana story_ PART 2

Start the day with God

Balu had woken up early in the morning. It was probably the earliest time in his life he was rising. His brother’s watch showed 15 minutes to 4:00 am. Many others had woken up too. The darshan grounds which doubled up as accommodation quarters to all the devotees seemed to already be buzzing with activity. Even the few who were sleeping were woken up by the Nadaswaram that began to play at 4:00 am.

As the holy notes of music filled the air, a volunteer came rushing to the troupe that was playing the instruments.
“Stop it immediately!” he told them with desperation, “The loud sound is sure to disturb Swami...”
The next instant, the music had stopped and and the members of the troupe lent their ear to the volunteer’s explanations. That was when the magic happened.

Balu felt a hush descending on the entire gathering. It was Swami in all His pristine morning glory and He had come to the eastern end of the mandir balcony. He bent over the parapet and signalled to the Nadaswaram troupe to continue playing. The volunteer became red in the face with embarrassment no doubt, but he was happy that his ‘action of concern’ had actually elicited a beautiful, early-morning darshan of the Lord of the Universe!

A traditional Yajna kunda in which the holy fire or Homa is performed.

At 8 a.m. the preliminary ceremonies begin inside the Mandir. The sacrificial fire was lit and the Homa was performed. This is a ceremony of purification—­to make the participants conscious of the sanctity of what they are to do. The invocation to Agni is essential in all such ceremonies. Agni stands for illumination and wisdom—burning out the dross and purifying the spirit. The mandir was soon filled with the solemn chants of Vedic mantras recited by the Pundits, many of whom had specially come to take part in the cere­mony and help the brahmacharis to receive the sacred Brahmopadesha (initiation into Brahman/Supreme One).

{This is the second part of the narrative. To completely and truly enjoy this part, it is recommended that you read the first part before reading ahead. The first part is here:

A recruit in God's army - the 1965 Upanayana story_ PART 1 }

Fill the day with God

At 8:45 am the brahmacharis came out of the Mandir and formed a procession party. The music of the nada­swaram filled the atmosphere again. The familiar, beloved, resplendent figure of Swami, with an enchanting smile playing on His lips, walked with quiet dignity to lead the procession. All the Vatus filed from the bhajan hall into a large shed that stood in the place of where the Poornachandra Auditorium stands today. Balu was accompanied by his father. He saw that it was the same with all the other Vatus too - it was either the the father or a senior male family member with them. Thousands had already gather­ed to witness the unique ceremony. The dais looked magnificent with its Sesha Shayana Narayana curtain and Swami’s chair in front of it. Each Vatu-father pair was seated in front of a little yajna-kunda which was constructed with bricks and stone. There was a priest present for each pair.

The beauty and grandeur of seeing Swami in front of the Sesha Shayana Narayana curtain on the dais in
the shed that stood in place of the Poornachandra Auditorium.

The boys and their fathers, guardians and the pundits took their appo­inted places in a series of rows—on the ground. Before each brahmachari was lit the sacrificial fire in which chips and scrapings of sandalwood were placed, filling the whole place with fragrance. It was a magnificent sight to see so many boys, now on the threshold of a new life, affirming the ceaseless validity of Dharma as their ancestors did on the banks of India's sacred rivers.

Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba's Last Divine Discourse - 22nd November 2010

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